Periodontal disease is diagnosed by your dentist or dental hygienist during a periodontal examination. This type of exam should always be part of your regular dental check-up.
Your dentist will examine your mouth and teeth. Your gums will be soft, swollen, and reddish-purple. (Healthy gums are pink and firm.) You may have plaque and tartar at the base of your teeth, and the pockets in your gums may be enlarged. In most cases, the gums are painless or only mildly tender, unless a tooth abscess is also present. Your gums will be tender when checking your pockets with a probe. Your teeth may be loose and gums may be pulled back, exposing the base of your teeth.
Symptoms of periodontitis include:
Bad breath odor (halitosis)
Gums that are bright red or reddish-purple
Gums that look shiny
Gums that bleed easily (when flossing or brushing)
Gums that are tender when touched but are painless otherwise
Loose teeth
Swollen gums
Gaps between the teeth and gums
Shifting teeth
Yellow, brown green or white hard deposits on your teeth
Tooth sensitivity
Note: Early symptoms are similar to gingivitis (inflammation of the gums).